What is a softener?
Ion exchange softening is a method of softening that uses ions to soften the material. The most common and probably the simplest method of removing hardness (calcium and magnesium) from water and making it suitable for utility purposes is to use resin. Ion exchange, as the name suggests, is a process that exchanges undesirable ions for more desirable ions.
A water softener is mainly a whole-house filtration system. They use ion exchange to remove hardness-causing calcium and magnesium minerals from your water. A water softener solves one of the most common and damaging water problems: hard water. Hard water wreaks havoc on today’s homes. Scale accumulates in your pipes, clogging them and reducing water pressure. Scale significantly reduces the lifespan of appliances such as dishwashers, coffee makers, and ice machines. Hot water appliances are destroyed by hard water.
What are the consequences of hard water?
Soap doesn’t lather well in hard water. This creates issues while washing and bathing and prevents proper cleaning.
Scaling in pipes, fittings, and storage tanks is also a result of hard water. The use of geysers on a larger scale can result in higher electric bills. Hard water is also harmful to one’s skin, hair, and other bodily functions. These are some negative effects of hard water, as well as how a water softener can help.
Building on large scale plumbing fixtures and appliances:
If you notice this, you most likely have hard water. Mineral deposits will form not only on your faucets and showerhead but also on your dishwasher. This buildup is not only unsightly, but it can also spoil the taste of your water.
Dry skin and hair:
Showering can leave your skin feeling dry and your hair feeling slimy right after you step out due to the excess calcium and magnesium in the water. Because water is incapable of nourishing your skin or hair, drying both may cause your skin to feel chapped and your hair to become brittle.
Clothes may fade:
Hard water has an effect on your clothes washer as well. Hard water removes color from your clothes much faster than treated water. Because of the extra mineral substance, your clothes and bedding may feel scratchy.
Plumbing repairs on a regular basis:
Steel pipes do not do well with hard water. They are easily damaged due to mineral buildup, and your water flow will eventually be hampered. This can also lead to pipe corrosion and other problems, necessitating regular drain cleaning and pipe repairs.
Water bills are growing up:
As calcium and magnesium deposits accumulate inside your pipes, your plumbing system has to work harder to allow water to flow through. This can cause a variety of issues, such as leaks and cracked pipes. Even minor leaks can result in gallons of water being lost over the course of a year, contributing to higher water bills.
What is the softening process?
The softening process involves passing hardened raw water through a bed of sodium cation resin. The hardness ions calcium and magnesium are taken up by the resin, while the sodium ions are released. This is referred to as the service cycle.
- Unfortunately, not all water softeners are the same. Some water softeners are extremely dependable and efficient, requiring little maintenance and care.
- You should ideally buy and use evaporated salt pellets or cubes in your water softener.
- The brine tanks of water softeners should be checked every 2-3 months to ensure that there is still enough salt in the unit.
- Although it is critical to contact a professional if your water softener stops working or you suspect it is broken.
Bottom Line
When your water softener is dependable and operates smoothly, it often goes unnoticed for years. When it fails to function properly, it can be a source of concern for the entire family. Kinetico is the only name you need to know. If you’re ready to invest in a low-maintenance water softener, and if you have any other questions about how we can help you get the cleanest, best-tasting water possible, please contact us right away! Do you find this article interesting? Then please visit the rest of the blogs as well. We’re confident you’ll find them exciting and valuable as well.