This article discusses the impacts of hard water, particularly scale accumulation in the pipes and fixtures of a water distribution system. While other minerals can alter the quality of water, excessive magnesium and calcium are the most common causes of hardness. This can lead to scale creep, which reduces the overall productivity and efficiency of a delivery system. Although hard water can cause a variety of aesthetic and efficiency issues, scale development is likely the most harmful consequence. As it can accumulate within a system, limiting its lifespan and overall effectiveness.
What is Scale build-up?
Scale build-up has been linked to equipment failure, clogged faucets or pipes, tile discoloration, and shower stall cleaning challenges.
Mineralized water, to put it simply, causes this effect. It can create scales when combined with soap and other compounds. Carbon dioxide-added water is mildly acidic by definition. Water falls to the ground and dissolves in subsurface aquifers when it starts its cycle as rain. It gathers minerals along the road and hardens as a result. Calcium, sulphate, magnesium, and carbonate are the four minerals which are present in hard water. Hard water will be present in all water supplies, regardless of their location in the country.
Groundwater contains salts that is dissolved in it, which we need for our utilities. Over time, these salts begin to build on the pipe’s surface, where they flow alongside the water. Pipe which are being expose to the sun tend to accumulate a lot of this scale. This reduces the diameter of the pipe and causes it to function poorly. In addition, calcite, which is generated from calcium carbonate in the water, is present in the scale’s makeup.
Damaging Effects
The flow of water through the system can be slow by scale. Appliances that require super-heated water will scale significantly faster than other types of appliances, requiring more repairs and replacements sooner. Furthermore, the amount of energy necessary to heat the water increases when the scale is present, which is particularly concerning for water heaters. There are numerous treatment technologies available for treating/removing hard water. We can carry out the treatment at both the point-of-entry (POE) and the point-of-use (POU), depending on the quality of the water and the needs of the individual user (POU).
Hardness minerals can be reduced in water using one of three fundamental approaches. The main three approaches, according to the Water Quality Association (WQA), are membrane separation softening (nanofiltration); chemical softening (lime softening, hot and cold); and cation exchange softening. Furthermore, as a result of the ongoing controversy about water softener salt discharge, many alternatives to traditional softening have emerged throughout the business. Anti-scale and physical water treatment systems, also known as “no-salt” water softeners, are examples.
Bottom Line
Water dealers must assist and educate their customers about the dangers of scale and other hard water consequences. They also educate them and assist them in comprehending why. Despite the fact that hard water and scale formation are generally consider to be harmless. Are you looking for a way to get rid of hard water scaling? Please get in touch with us so that we can assist you in determining the most acceptable and finest water treatment option for your needs. Do you find this article interesting? Then please check out the rest of the blogs too. We’re sure that you’ll find them fascinating and valuable as well.