Both operation and maintenance is important for all industrial treatment plants including the Effluent Treatment Plant. ETP is a plant constructed to treat industrial wastewater to some extent. This is to prevent the pollution load from crossing the legislative standards. This method of wastewater treatment also leads to reducing the use of fresh or drinking water. Hence, they protect from extreme contamination to the climate. An organization needs to have a perfect management structure to run ETP effectively in order to meet all the above-listed targets. Moreover, maintain them periodically to ensure its long run. To achieve the legal standard, the industries should have a management system to:
- Efficiently operate ETP with detailed instructions, procedures, and technical references,
- Ensure routine maintenance in the long run necessary for ETP efficiency.
We at Jateen Trading Co. offer the best maintenance service for your industrial effluent treatment plant’s best operation. We offer a wide variety of services for the efficient functioning of your effluent treatment plants. Contact us for any queries! We will be happy to hear from you.
How to achieve the objective?
Ensure that you have a manual for ETP maintenance and operation by the manufacturer. Moreover, the operation and maintenance manual of the ETP should contain:
- ETP process overview (technical information of the plant, its machinery, and control);
- Guidance concerning the regular operation for each treatment phase of equipment and systems
- Advice on common issues;
- Recommended inspection schedule and maintenance;
- Plan water sampling or monitoring of water quality;
- Schedule regular meter reading, tests, and chemical usage, etc.;
- Instructions and guidance during an emergency.
- Designate the operator(s) for enforcing service and also for maintenance. Ensure that they are able to understand each requirement/procedure.
- Maintain a logbook with a date and explanation for the repairs and controls carried out by the ETP operator. This way, you can also keep a record of regular maintenance. Maintaining a logbook can help you in 2 ways:
- Check regularly if the ETP operator reports all maintenance operations conducted in accordance with the given instructions;
- Compare the frequency of the ETP operator behavior (based on his or her operation records). We can also achieve this with the recommended inspection and maintenance schedule, which is mentioned in the ETP operation and maintenance manual.
Guidelines for ETP’s Operation
Follow the steps below to execute the ETP securely:
- Chamber Handling: In order to avoid abrasion and blockage of internal instruments and blockage of hydraulic systems, our staff removes large solids.
- Managing the tanks: Our experts control the tank and also the pump tank efficiently. Their storage time in the equalization tank is governed according to the concentration of effluent. Homogeneous effluent mixing helps neutralization when processed. This constant mixing prevents shock loads and also solids from being put in an equalizer.
Maintenance of ETP
- Following the manual: We follow the operational and maintenance manual of the ETP manufacturer. So that the specific ETP model can be maintained accordingly. This manual allows our experts to inspect various readings, output measures, chemical usage, etc. The manual must fit the ETP installation on site.
- Maintaining logbook: As mentioned above, this step can’t be avoided. This can help you in tracking the operation or working of your ETP.
What’s involved in the maintenance of the Effluent Treatment Plant?
There are many reasons to depend on the amount of work you need to maintain the Effluent Treatment Plant:
- Scale in the plant.
- Complexity of design.
- Nature of the wastewater coming in.
- Automation degree in design.
- Quality sampling and also analysis criteria for effluent.
- Status of the plant when work is commenced.
Preventative maintenance begins from the design to the selection of an effluent treatment plant. Moreover, the key parameters for selecting equipment should be simple or easy maintenance and low breakdown. The general effluent treatment method will be categorizing into primary, secondary, or tertiary treatment.
- Primary Treatment: It is a Physico-chemical treatment, i.e., physical separation using chemical properties.
- Secondary Treatment: This treatment is usually a biological process.
- Tertiary treatment: It is the recycling conditioning of this wastewater.
Different Type of MAintenance
- Routine Maintenance: The day-to-day management of ETP is essential. Monitoring of the inlet and outlet conditions of waste and treated effluent have a crucial function in the case of effluent treatment plants.
- Mechanical maintenance: We perform them to screen and fix the issue proactively. If we don’t fix these issues, then they may impact the output of the plant.
- Breakdown maintenance: During the inevitable circumstances, breakdown maintenance is essential. Due to the failure of any critical equipment, a high flux in effluent inlet quality, secondary treatment system failure, etc. In these cases, we have to do breakdown maintenance.
- Annual shutdown maintenance: Every year we do this for ETP with other industrial plants.
What we offer?
- Well-trained, skilled, and experienced operator with a supervisor who solves the problems smoothly during the maintenance of ETP.
- Operators are often trained to keep all records. This makes the maintenance work much easier.
- Optimal chemical use for enhancing the performance.
- Meets the outlet standards as per the pollution control board.
- Preventive measures are taken to prevent severe failure.
Bottom Line
For several reasons, the efficient management and maintenance of a wastewater treatment plant are important. It is essential to make sure that one section’s improper functioning leads to the failure of the entire treatment process. For several reasons, it is vital to efficiently operate and maintain a wastewater treatment plant.
From fittings & pipework to percolation and mechanical devices, we provide ongoing maintenance and support in all aspects of your system. We at Jateen Trading Co. check for damage, leakage, or potential obstructions and carry out repairs if required. We will identify and resolve any site-specific issues. Support and also routine maintenance are provided for immediate problems. Moreover, we are available 24 hours for our customers.