Is there a need for an industrial water treatment for your plant?

industrial water treatment


Although industrial water treatment systems are not always needed, they can give your facility a dramatic return on investment (ROI). Well-designed water treatment systems can minimize energy costs, maintenance costs, discharge fees. They also even minimize regulatory penalties due to wasted products or byproducts. This article will enable you to understand some of the main factors behind introducing an industrial water treatment system. So this may help to decide which innovations might be a good match for your facility. A well-designed industrial water treatment system will help you achieve your production goals and gain efficiencies along the way. 

Industrial water treatment’s primary goal is to avoid erosion, scaling, biological growth and ensure that water disposal requirements are met. Do you know what happen if you have not remove toxic mineral salts and corrosive gases?

The infrastructure for industrial process equipment such as piping, cooling towers, and boiler systems will all suffer from the risk of corrosion, scaling, and eventual system failure. A disastrous system failure can occur when industrial water treatment processes become out of control. System failure also happens when we expose vital components to adverse scaling conditions that are corrosive. Industrial water treatment is a method to handle different water purification and separation needs for various applications for both simple and complex, efficient, low-cost, and compact systems. Since unclean water is used in the manufacturing process, industrial water treatment is required. And impurities will directly affect the quality of the product if the water is used in manufacturing processes.

Does your plant draw on a raw supply of water?

Water from any source of raw water always require some form of treatment before we use it for any process also called pre-treatment.

  • You need to delete savors or colors from them: Raw water treatment is essential for the industries. It is also necessary to remove the tastes and colors that affect the consistency of the product.
  • You need to remove environmental pollutants or pathogens: Bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi, or other biological components are commonly present in raw water supplies. That can cause disease and fouling of downstream equipment when ingested by humans.
  • You want to optimize or secure equipment for processes: Treatment of raw water can reduce suspended solids, silica, hardness, and other contaminants. This can trigger downstream equipment scaling or fouling.

Does your plant use a boiler?

Boiler systems expose the water supply to conditions of high heat and high pressure. This may compound the harmful effects of such chemicals. For having a safe and efficient operation of your boiler system, the treatment of feed water and make-up streams will ensure a more predictable stream. We need to use a boiler feedwater treatment system if:

  • You want to optimize the boiler’s service life: Size, clogging, and corrosion will dramatically shorten the useful life of your boiler equipment. A water treatment system for boiler feed will also protect your investment. It helps to remove dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, calcium, magnesium, silica, and other troublesome contaminants.
  • You are using a boiler machine with high pressure: Since impurity tolerance decreases as system pressure rises, boiler feedwater treatment is always essential to ensure that high-pressure boilers operate safely.
  • You are looking to save on the cost of electricity or repairs: Collect the impurities in your water feeds on pipes and equipment surfaces, which can disrupt heat transfer and reduce flow. This water treatment will eliminate pollutants and reduce energy costs for heating and circulating water through a boiler unit. 

Does your plant use a cooling tower?

  • Several streams are used by cooling towers, including feed water, circulation water, and blow-down water. Any one of these can lead to issues like fouling, scaling, and corrosion. You will need a water treatment system for a cooling tower if:
  • Your feed water is alkaline or too acidic: Your cooling tower feed water may need treatment to reduce the danger of scale and corrosion on cooling tower components and pipes. After the treatment, it will fall within a specified pH range appropriate for your machinery.
  • The concentration of total dissolved solids should be decreased (TDS): Hardness and TDS can be accumulated on surfaces, resulting in blocking, damage to machinery, and excess outage down the road.
  • You need microbiological pollutants to be extracted: Biological fouling can quickly get out of control because of the warm temperatures in cooling towers, possibly causing health risks. Biological contaminants such as bacteria, fungi, and also algae may help to eliminate or neutralize the application of supplied water. 

Does your plant produce wastewater?

Wastewater is almost a byproduct of industrial activity. It also forces facilities to deal with issues ranging from reducing waste disposal costs to the efficient reuse and recycling of waste streams. We need to use wastewater treatment system if:

  • Water contain pollutants. It is also essential to remove oils, grease, suspended solids, metals, inorganic pollutants, and other contaminants from waste streams before reuse or discharge
  • You need to follow the regulatory discharge standards.

Bottom Line 

In this blog, we have just mentioned why your plant needs an industrial water treatment. It is essential to know the fact why we need industrial water treatment. It is important to consult a trained water treatment expert when determining if an industrial water treatment system is right for your plant. To achieve your goals and budget, our experts at Jateen Trading Co. will help you find the proper method. To deal better with our client’s needs, we conduct a lot of researches and studies. This enables you to get the suitable water treatment for your plant.


Are you looking for the best industrial water treatment company? Then join us at Jateen Trading Co. for having the best experience!